Has it got better on the bus? RetroRide allows you to enter two locations in the Los Angeles area and be able to do a transit trip plan as if it was 2016, 2009 and 1979. We also have data as of February 2023. RetroRide is preserving transit history through archiving historical data using GTFS. Please read more about the project and then try playing with the trip planner. If you collect schedules and have schedules in your collection that can help us out, please let us know!
To use RetroRide, simply enter an origin and desination. For best results, use the suggestions the site provides as you are typing in the location. If the system suggests a stop, that means that a 1979 route already supported goes there.
Please do not use Retroride for making a current trip plan as there is no guarantee that we will update an agency's data. This site is only for historical purposes and should be used as such.
Have fun as we take a ride into the past.